StaffHere at Advocacy Partners LLC, we have a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to providing the best possible service to our clients. We work with businesses, organizations, and individuals to help them navigate complex issues & achieve their advocacy goals.On this page, you can learn a bit more about our team members & their unique skills as well as the perspectives they bring to our work. We are incredibly proud of the talented and experienced professionals who make up our team, and we look forward to working with you going forward! CarolRomero Executive Director & PartnerCarol was born in Philadelphia and completed high school in... Read More DariaRomero Receptionist &PartnerAs a Secretary I want to be as helpful as I can... Read More Victoria RomeroGarcia Financial Manager & PartnerMy family is the most important thing in my life... Read More ElenaRomero-Yamato Client Service Manager & PartnerWhat is most essential is invisible to the eye. I’ll never... Read More ChristinaGarcia ServiceCoordinatorTo live each day by supporting persons or individuals who... Read More MigdaliaMacSam ServiceCoordinatorI believe in the dignity of every human being. I support... Read More PaulaTrujillo CCS ServiceCoordinatorI am dedicated to delivering effective, efficient... Read More AmandaMartinez ServiceCoordinatorMy mission is to help individuals with special needs become... Read More EricMcCollon CCS/Mi ViaProgram DirectorTo advocate and ensure that all of the individuals, we... Read More LorieannReaves ServiceCoordinatorIf I can change one person’s life at a time, I have... Read More LorrieOrtega ServiceCoordinatorMy mission is to work towards ensuring the health and... Read More JoannaCeniceros ServiceCoordinatorI have never “fit in” and I am okay with that. One might say... Read More Ruth AnnSalmon HeadTrainerTo help as many people as possible as much as possible... Read More Camille"Mia" Front OfficeAssistantI like to brighten everyone’s day with my contagious smile... Read More RobinDickson RegisteredNurseTo support the community that I love by providing a... Read More AnthonyGarcia SafetyLiaisonTo improve the wellbeing of people throughout our... Read More CassandraBettsworth RecordsTeamI try to do my best every day to embrace all... Read More MonicaGarcia Mi ViaTeamAs the newest member of Advocacy Partners, it is my... Read More Carol RomeroExecutive Director & PartnerWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2005 Personal Mission StatementCarol was born in Philadelphia and completed high school in New Jersey. She came to New Mexico as a VISTA volunteer in 1969, meeting Carlos and marrying. Three daughters, many moves and a degree from NMHU later, they came to Albuquerque.Fun Fact(s) About MeCarol has been active with the developmental disability community for 40 years, creating Advocacy Partners in 2005. The mission of the agency represents a philosophy of support and reaching ones potential. The commitment is a partnership that is fluid and equal. Back to All Staff Daria RomeroReceptionist & PartnerWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2008 Personal Mission StatementAs a Secretary I want to be as helpful as I can. I answer the phone, I assist the nurse with scheduling nursing assessments, and I greet people as they walk into our office. If you come into the office I am the first person you will meet, I will always try to welcome you with a smile and sometimes I can be a little silly and joke around with people. I like to facilitate the social planning committee and I invite my peers to join. I am an active member of People First and I attend meetings.Fun Fact(s) About MeI like to make jewelry, and attend classes about arts and crafts. I am a die hard Philadelphia Eagles Fan!!! Back to All Staff Victoria Romero GarciaFinancial Manager & PartnerWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2005 Personal Mission StatementTo try and treat everyone the way I want to be treated and to encourage others to do the same!Fun Fact(s) About MeMy family is the most important thing in my life! That includes my Advocacy Partners family.I love to watch soccer and was a soccer mom for 13 years!My hobbies include making epoxy tumblers and Cricut creations.I collect Bunnies and turtles and Winnie the Pooh stuff!I am terrified of birds!I married an amazing man in October 2019.I have three kids, two daughters and a son. Back to All Staff Elena Romero-YamatoClient Service Manager & PartnerWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2005 Personal Mission StatementWhat is most essential is invisible to the eye. I’ll never discount the capacity to grow in anyone.Fun Fact(s) About MeI am an avid crocheter and I love to bake. I’m also a big United soccer supporter. Back to All Staff Christina GarciaService CoordinatorWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2018 Personal Mission StatementTo live each day by supporting persons or individuals who have difficulties overcoming any area of their life, due to a physical or intellectual disability, so that they may rise above what has been suppressed and that they can find the true meaning of who they are and what they are capable of. I do this by becoming an example, and a hard core advocate along with being their cheer leader to lead them on. I become an example by showing in actions and deeds, standing side by side and working with all to find the solution that works best creating independence. I value the idea of the individuals I support being able to live as independently as possible by gaining the life skills required because when they can live in their own communities being embraced for their own abilities and values, the world sees a clearer picture of inclusion! Accordingly, I will continue to be the advocate and cheer leader that the individuals I help to support, whether it is through service coordination or through direct care, need and depend on. I will continue to stress that each individual has a unique ability specific to them, that is valued in this world.Fun Fact(s) About MeI am a Christian. That is a fun fact, because when you know Jesus Life is fun.Music is my life, I love music. One of my favorite bands came from Finland. They are disbanded now, but I still follow the members on social media.I have and always will love Star Wars, but I also like Star Trek. There is room for both in my world. I know more about Star Wars though. Oh and if I’m getting into my love of Space and space travels, well who can forget Red Dwarf.I LOVE animals. I have 3 dogs and a rabbit. I love Pugs.-As a kid, my parents lured me into the country by telling me I could have any animal I wanted. So I ended up with a hobby farm, I had rabbits, pigs, horses, chickens, turkeys and even Peafowls. I also make friends with squirrels quite easily, and am known as a squirrel whisperer.I love Taxidermy. I especially like a technique called “diaphonized.” It is a very colorful wet specimen or creature in a jar. I am not allowed to own any because my husband and family think I am weird!I belong to a certain secret organization, that is not so secret at all. I am an Odd Fellow. Odd Fellows believe in elevating their fellow man, through Friendship, Love and Truth. It is a charitable organization. You can see a lot of our fraternal symbolism in the Tattoo culture.I have a wicked sense of humor, and by Wicked I probably can classify it more as Twisted. I love comedy and British humor is not dry to me. I was voted class clown in school multiple times, but I think that was more because I was clumsy and less about being funny.I love Disney. All things Disney. Yes I buy into that, what a wonderful and magical world it is!!!I am a fan of movies. I am a theater buff and once worked a box office just so I could get free movies. Theater Popcorn is the best!I always have a music lyric or movie line to quote at any given time.I was gifted a toddler, who has a global delay diagnosis due to being born prematurely. She is an absolute pleasure to have in my life, and has taught me a great thing about being a better advocate.In 1986, I got an award for “Special Caring and Understanding of Children with Special Needs.” I was 9 years old, and was given the award during the end of school awards assembly. It was one of my mothers most cherished awards.I have been told that I am: Faithful, Loving, Super caring, Very welcoming, Family driven, Fun, Silly, Thoughtful, Compassionate, Trustworthy, Hardworking, Bright, Considerate, Sincere, Helpful, Generous, Full of love, Beautiful inside and out, Have a great smile and a Goofball! Christina believes in supporting everyone. Especially those with physical or intellectual disabilities. Back to All Staff Migdalia MacSamService CoordinatorWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2009 Personal Mission StatementI believe in the dignity of every human being. I support choice of every individual in my personal and professional life. I’m committed to advocacy to improve the quality of life and self-determination of every person. I been in the Advocacy field for over 31 years and have worked with the DD Waiver for the past ten years. I believe I’m objective: I listen to and think about whatever people tell me and give serious thought to what they say, whether I agree or not. I value every human being and find positive qualities in everyone.Fun Fact(s) About MeBorn in Panama, grew up in Costa Rica, moved to New York City at age 13. Now living in beautiful Albuquerque since 2002. Enjoy learning new things, different types music, reading relaxing and watching TV. Have twin sons, one granddaughter.Back to All Staff Paula TrujilloCCS Service CoordinatorWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2009 Personal Mission StatementI am dedicated to delivering effective, efficient and respectful assistance to my clients in finding their meaning of life, by increasing their independence. With integrity, accountability and knowledge I provide continuous support to my staff. Together we assist our clients in finding their voice whether verbal or non-verbal to increase their self-worth.Fun Fact(s) About MeI have a strong faith in God, I live a simple and quite life. I love my family unconditionally.I am an intervert and extravert; I will talk to anyone anywhere or I will go to the movies by myself. I don’t like to share my food, but reluctantly will or just buy you something. I am compassionate about my work and can at times be a perfectionist, but not a day goes by that I do not strive to do my very best.I am brutally honest, and patient. I have a big heart and always put those I care about first. I am a good listener; I have a positive attitude towards life. I am not perfect but I strive to be. I love, live, laugh and cry, but I never give up on anyone or anything because I believe that life is beautiful and there is always hope.Back to All Staff Amanda MartinezService Coordinator, Southwest RegionWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2009 Personal Mission StatementMy mission is to help individuals with special needs become more independent. I love to watch them succeed and or improve. In the years I have been working in the DD Waiver, I have been working alongside with individuals for a long time. In that time, I watched them grow, bloom, and accomplish their goals as well as make new ones. They have become family to me. I have a sister with special needs and when I see how much she has accomplished it makes me so happy. I knew how important it was to help her succeed that I wanted to do it for others as well.Fun Fact(s) About MeMy favorite color is purple. I love to spend my free time gardening my plants and flowers in my yard. I like to bake, read and spend time with my family. I’m a huge Marvel, DC, Star Wars and Harry Potter fan. I LOVE tacos, no not taco bell tacos haha! I could also eat twin pops all day. Would like to ride a train with my family across the country one day. We try to travel to a new City/State every year to see new things. We are a “Netflix/Disney+ and Chill family”, my son calls it “Movie night” even though it can last all day.Back to All Staff Eric McCollonCCS & Mi Via Program DirectorWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2014 Personal Mission StatementTo advocate and ensure that all of the individuals, we all serve, are receiving the highest quality service, that they have a true voice in choosing and how they utilize their services they receive and that we are all striving to help them gain the independent skills they need to not need us anymore.Fun Fact(s) About MeIn my spare time I like to paint and have art shows, I ride motorcycles, I’m an at home chef, play golf whenever I can and I have been in 2 movies.Back to All Staff Lorieann ReavesService CoordinatorWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2012 Personal Mission StatementIf I can change one person’s life at a time, I have accomplished what I set out to do that day.Fun Fact(s) About MeI love to create things. My favorite movies is a Wonderful life. It’s a movie about a town helping a friend in need.Back to All Staff Lorrie OrtegaService CoordinatorWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2009 Personal Mission StatementMy mission is to work towards ensuring the health and safety of the individuals that I serve by advocating for them and being their voice in a very busy and often unfair world. My goal is to treat them, protect them and care for them in a manner in which I would want someone to treat, protect and care for someone that I love.Fun Fact(s) About MeLorrie was born and raised in Northern New Mexico. She graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Biology degree from New Mexico State University. Lorrie enjoys spending quality time with her two sons, reading about and researching areas of interest, cooking, watching classic movies and playing with her dog, Lucy.Back to All Staff Joanna CenicerosService CoordinatorWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2008 Personal Mission StatementWhy fit in when you were born to stand out?–Dr. SuessI have never “fit in” and I am okay with that. One might say I wear different hats in our agency. I am willing to help in any situation and I am ready to be a voice and advocate for the adults we support. My goal is to always stay passionate, humble, and open minded.Fun Fact(s) About MeI have 7 kids. I love Elephants and I want world peace.Back to All Staff Ruth Ann SalmonTraining & HR ManagerWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2010 Personal Mission Statement“To help as many people as possible as much as possible for as long as possible”Fun Fact(s) About MeI have traveled to 9 different countries and have eaten many different bugs! Caterpillars are yummy ?Though Caterpillars are my favorite, trenti ice waters from Starbucks are even better! I have a gorgeous husband, one great kid and two crazy dogs! I love my job and love learning new things!Back to All Staff Camille “Mia” JohnsonFront Office AssistantWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2009 Personal Mission StatementI like to brighten everyone’s day with my contagious smile. I like to help others, and enjoy shredding paper. I like to deliver paperwork to others around my office and visit with my coworkers. I am a participant in our quality assurance committee.Fun Fact(s) About MeI love shopping for purses, shoes, and clothes. To go eat out, and get a good glass of Margarita. I like to travel and visit my family. My best friend is my dog “buba”. Gooo Oklahoma Sooners!!!Back to All Staff Robin DicksonRegistered NurseWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2020 Personal Mission StatementTo support the community that I love by providing a healthy environment to review their medical needs while developing relationship with each one of them!Fun Fact(s) About MeI have two amazing kids.I love to paint.Back in the day I loved to watch my kids play softball and run track and field.I love music and shoppingFavorite movies: Fried Green Tomatoes and Steel MagnoliasBack to All Staff Anthony GarciaSafety LiaisonWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2021 Personal Mission StatementTo improve the wellbeing of people throughout our community and to use my gifts and talents to help improve the lives of others.Fun Fact(s) About MeI love to travel, especially driving to our destinations no matter how far.Back to All Staff Cassandra BettsworthRecords TeamWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2009 Personal Mission StatementI try to do my best every day to embrace all people with compassion, honesty and integrityFun Fact(s) About MeMy family is by far the most important thing in life including my husband of 49 years, my only child and her two children. My three dogs, a cat and chicken round out the family members.Art is very enjoyable to me. I paint, sculpt and do mosaic pieces.I love to travel and expose my grandkids to new adventures.Back to All Staff Monica GarciaMi Via TeamWith Advocacy Partners LLC Since 2023 Personal Mission StatementAs the newest member of Advocacy Partners, it is my personal goal to learn the ins and outs of working in this community and with our clients. I strive to be the best advocate that I can be by encouraging myself and others to grow every day. My goal is to lighten up anyone’s day with a smile and by being a good listener and learner.Fun Fact(s) About MeMy name is Monica.I love spending time with my large family, friends, and co-workers.My fur babies are my world. I have a cat named Oliver Moon, and a Shih Tzu named Leo. I also have ducks, chickens, and horses at my grandparents. Animals are life! I love having a life in the city and out in the country, I feel very lucky and blessed to have both.I have two jobs.When I’m not working, I enjoy dancing, listening to music, rock climbing, traveling, shopping, watching kid movies (Minions are my favorite) and of course EATING! I’m a taco, and food truck connoisseur. I love trying new restaurants and food in town, and especially when traveling. Anything spicy is my go-to!I make it a goal to visit the beach at least once a year, it is my happy place.Back to All Staff